Monday, April 27, 2009

Sad but true...

I've come to the conclusion that I am not able to keep up this blog any longer... as you can see from the fact that I haven't posted in two months :(
I am going to leave it as is for anyone to reference and if I decide to delete it later in the future I will give notice in case anyone wants to save things first.

Meanwhile, I've been learning digital designing and a potential aspect of that is doing templates - or digital sketches - so there is the possibility that I will post those here as new sketches from time to time. I will keep this post at the top and any new sketches will be underneath it.

I will still have new sketches at Creative Scrappers and Mix It Up though, and I have a digi design blog where you can see what I've been keeping so busy at, if you're interested.

Thanks for all the support!!


  1. Aww so sad, but I totally understand.

  2. Thanks for all the inspiration. Glad I can still catch you at Mix It Up! :)

  3. I have checked in every couple of days or so in the hope that you may have updated. I am sad that this fabulous site is closing, but I will still see your fantastic sketches on Mix It Up.
    Thanks for all the inspiration
